Internal competition, round 5
Boudewijn Thewissen (0) -
Matvey Alexandrov (0),
Boudewijn Thewissen (0) -
Matvey Alexandrov (0),
Boudewijn Thewissen (0) -
Matvey Alexandrov (0),
NIce attacking game Matvey, thank you for the analysis. After 24 fe4: in stead of de6? white can still try to withhold the black attack, what would you have done?
Hello Albert,
Possible moves from White are obviously 24. Nxe4 or 24. f3xe4
For 24. Nxe4, I was going to continue 24 .. e6xd5, and it seems that my Bishop sooner or later could join the attack on the big diagonal.
For 24. f3xe4, I had “simple” continuation 24 .. Ne2+ 25. Bxe2 Qxe2 with dynamic position with accurate play needed from both sides (but Black is better because White’s King is worse).
BUT I also saw very complex continuation 24 .. Nfd3! – isolating f3 square from Queen and Rook by sacrificing the Knight – and the next move is 25 .. Nef3+, and the next move is 26 .. Qxh2 or 26 .. Nxh2, crushing White’s position on the kingside. Though I couldn’t calculated completely – so it would be interesting challenge for me about 24th move.
By the way, 23 .. exf4 is the first line according my computer engine, with evaluation -3,4 so Black is winning.
I spent about 10 minutes to find this move and I’m happy that it was really the best.