Caissa 6 won rapid final in 3 class
Amazing finish in VAS on June 15

Team members: Matvey Alexandrov, Andrija Zdravkovic, Wouter Egas, Eduard Sampimon, Deepayan Roy, Chris Verheijden


Before last round in the final, Amsterdam West 7 get ahead of us 1 point, but we managed to beat them 3:1 and secured 1st prize (!)


  1. Albert Riemens

    Albert Riemens zei op :

    Thank you Matvey, nice picture;-). Congratulations to the team!

  2. Wim Suyderhoud (TL)

    Wim Suyderhoud (TL) zei op :

    Congratulations guys. Well-deserved. You put up a great fight and it paid off. It was a memorable final.

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